As Sons of Confederate Veterans, we in The Mechanized Cavalry exist to honor and remember our forefathers who fought for the Confederacy against the heavy hand of oppressive governance, and NEVER for the retention of slavery of mankind.
The Confederate Disciples is set apart within these great organizations as a platoon of Southern motorcycle riding gentleman, whose dedication and discipline makes us unique and a true brotherhood who ride together, and live and work and play hard together, in a world that's gone way too soft in the face of revisionists and hateful bigots.
We stand against sameness, complacency and complicity everywhere, and FOR the true history of the Southern War for Independence. A history that has been stolen and forcefully removed from us and destroyed.
We stand aggressively and hatefully against NO MAN and NO ENTITIES other than the bastardized history of the Confederacy and those who believe they can remove our heritage from our cities and our streets and our history books. We fight with truth and with our very existence!
We hide from no one, but we claim territory from no one, as we are not divided by state and county, but are rather a singular movement throughout the entire globe, sectioned by battalion and company and platoon, but ALWAYS connected by heritage and vision.
We show up!
We proudly and honorably display the Confederate battle flag emblazoned on our colors, and we STAND UP in places where our grandfathers; great and greater stood against Union lead, where monuments to our Confederate heroes have been knocked down but will never be forgotten.
We will not shy away from the streets and businesses in the areas our forefathers built, defended, and died upon. We will be the living history of the past they've attempted to remove and revise!
We are peaceful, but not passive in the face of assault on truth or on any of the brothers within this great organization. Attacks like we saw against anyone and anything animate or inanimate that did not validate the hateful narratives of those empowered to destroy priceless and unique works of historical art. Art and monuments respecting the sacrifice of Confederate Christian heroes who defended home and family and country, against Northern Marauders.
There is no matter if every statue and plaque and structure dedicated to the southern Christian soldier who fought in America's second revolutionary War, is removed or destroyed or defiled, because living today are tens of thousands of sons of Confederate Veterans who are growing and filling the ranks of Confederate Disciples and like-minded historical organizations, who will no longer be doormats for the intolerant!
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